Adam Barton

Adam Barton's Fundraiser

Help Me Achieve Justice & Healing for Abused Children image

Help Me Achieve Justice & Healing for Abused Children

Join me and help make a difference by giving today.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$1,510 towards $1,500

Give today and help CALICO achieve justice and healing for abused children.

This year, over 600-700 abused children will come to CALICO's offices in need of services to help place them on the road to health, safety and recovery. CALICO's work helps children who have been abused grow into healthy, happy adults and creates safer and more productive communities for us all.

All of the funds I raise will go to CALICO services for abused children, including forensic-interviews, coordinated investigations and family support.

To do their work, CALICO partners with 30 other agencies, including mental health providers, doctors, prosecutors, child welfare workers and police officers.

Children who come through CALICO:

  • Experience less trauma
  • Receive more efficient and effective investigations into what happened to them
  • Are more likely to receive mental health care
  • Are more likely to receive forensic medical exams
  • Have caregivers who are better supported to help them heal

Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for CALICO and the children it serves. Thank you so much!