Erin and Dave Harper

Erin and Dave Harper's Fundraiser

Help Abused Children! image

Help Abused Children!

CALICO Achieves Justice & Healing for Abused Children

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$7,225 towards $2,000

We are Raising Money to Help Abused Children

Give today and help CALICO achieve justice and healing for abused children!

CALICO aids 600-700 children a year, ages 2 to 17, who have been sexually or physically abused, grossly neglected, endangered by drugs or who have witnessed severe violence.

Children who come through CALICO:

  • Experience less trauma
  • Receive more efficient and effective investigations into what happened to them
  • Are more likely to receive mental health care
  • Are more likely to receive forensic medical exams
  • Have caregivers who are better supported to help them heal

Click here to listen to one former CALICO client talk about her experience with CALICO, and the remarkable things she has done since then.

Every child deserves to be safe and healthy. With your help, we can work towards this goal.

Want to learn more about the difference CALICO makes in our community? Click here:

Thank you for supporting our run and CALICO!